There are different categories of Book Covers, but they are majorly divided into 2;
The softcover and the hard cover.
Best referred to as Casebound, the hard book cover is a bookblock where the interior pages are glued, or sewn and glued, into a case, constructed of laminated cardboard and covered with cloth or paper. Sometimes for clarity and detailing purpose, a Case bound book is issued with paper covers, or case wraps which are printed to identify them and also to act as advertisements for the book, establishing a mood or carrying commercial messages and endorsement designed to appeal to potential buyers. These kind of books are called the CASE WRAPPED books.
In the case of Soft cover books, paper covers which is usually made up ofprinted, heavyweight papers are mostly used. Here, the bookblock is glued into the printed and scored case, then the entire book is trimmed on three sides to the final trim size
For us to achieve a highly attractive and durable soft cover, several finishings need to be done. The finishes range include;
1) Foil stamping
2) Embossing and debossing – this involves raising or indenting parts of the cover, for extra emphasis.
3) UV varnish – this involves selective shiny areas to the cover. It is also known as ‘spot varnish’.
4) Laminating– with either liquid quick-setting plastic laminates, or with film that is then affixed to the cover with heat and pressure. Film lamination affords the best protection, but may cause the cover to warp in conditions of changing humidity.
Achieving a well printed book to be marketed involves a lot of processes, from the design to the printing, everything has to be perfect. At Worital we offer all to you.. We don’t just print books, every book comes with a smile.
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