3 Writing Mistakes You Should Avoid Before You Publish Your Book

3 Writing Mistakes You Should Avoid Before You Publish Your Book

Writing your first book and then sending the final version to your editor and later it being available on stores like Amazon, Okadabooks, Worital Book Place and other platforms can be very exciting and the thrill is unexplainable. The months (or even years) of hard work are over, and now you can watch with pride as your book goes out into the world.

Now, you can sit back as your ideas and stories make an impact on readers and earn you a side-income and finally put an author to your name but the not so exciting news is that there are some points you should look out for and mistakes you should avoid or probably missed while writing your first book or you are starting out as a new author;

For every new book, there is always a learning curve, especially if you are a novice.

So, if you are publishing your first book or are thinking about it, here are three writing mistakes that you should avoid making before publishing your book:

  1. Not Organizing Your Ideas: Getting ideas for your chapter can be a whole lot of work because you have to sacrifice endless hours of researching for the ideas and then you struggle to organize your ideas for your book .
    What’s the solution? Find a system for capturing, sorting and reviewing your ideas regularly. Then, you need to pick one idea and stick with it until it’s done and then move on to the next idea.
  2. Skipping a Proofread : It’s fine to check short pieces for writing errors using a spell checker. Most writers worth their salt will spot an errant or missing apostrophe or quotation mark without much help. At times it’s beneficial to run through your manuscript through an editor i.e Worital and this would be able to spot issues you probably missed.
  3. Writing only On Weekends : Between your job, family, and personal life, finding time to write your book is difficult and if you wait till the weekends to write, what if there’s no time for you write ? You would miss the time and you might not be able to pick up your pace.
    What’s the solution? Getting a writing schedule in place or even finding time to write is a real struggle when you’re new at this and also what you need is a writing routine to set yourself up for the day, so you can accomplish your most important work before the demands of the day take over.

With all these points, you would be able to write with ease and be on the way to achieve your writing journey.

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